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On The Line w/ Daisy Pitkin
Daisy Pitkin joins the show to discuss her book about labor organizing and solidarity, On The Line.

Towards a Queer Marxist Future with Holly Lewis
Wherever there are queer people working to eradicate expropriation that's Queer Marxism.
Women's Strike, Reconsidered with Marianne Garneau
We spoke with Marianne Garneau, editor of Organizing Work, on why for strikes to be effective they must have specific targets tied to...
Care Work, Spiritual Organizing, and Dismantling Patriarchy with Friendly Anarchism
We interviewed the host of Friendly Anarchism on anarchism, anarcha-quakerism, mysticism & egalitarianism, the Quaker influence on...
Black Womxn's Safety with Zoé Samudzi
Excerpt from Zoé Samudzi's keynote address at Opening Space for the Radical Imagination on the prospects of living in a world where Black...
Wages for Housework and #MeToo with Silvia Federici
Autonomist feminist scholar Silvia Federici (Caliban and the Witch)outlines the Wages for Housework campaign and theoretical...
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