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Premajority Unionism with Eric Dirnbach
Eric Dirnbach joins the show to discuss premajority unionism, where you don't need to wait around to act like a union.

How to Revive the Labor Movement w/ Marianne Garneau
Back from hiatus with a no holds barred takedown of every popular argument for reviving the power of organizing labor!

Labor Rights or Labor Freedoms? A Conversation with Matthew Dimick
Matthew Dimick, Professor of Law at the University of Buffalo, joins the show to respond to recent debate over the Wagner Act.

William Z. Foster: A Critical Examination on his Methods and Strategies
Lucas Carpenter and Tim Shields join the show to do a deep dive over Foster's proposed methods for effective labor organizing.

William Z. Foster: A Critical Examination of his Theories and Politics
Nick Driedger joins the show to discuss the legacy and ideas of William Z. Foster.

Media Strategies for Unions, a Wobbly's Take with Graham Kovich
Graham Kovich joins the show to discuss varying media and communications strategies for increasing union power.

On The Line w/ Daisy Pitkin
Daisy Pitkin joins the show to discuss her book about labor organizing and solidarity, On The Line.

Organizing the White Lotus
Liz of Rebel Steps joins the show to discuss a fictional workplace campaign to unionize the hotel workers at the illustrious White Lotus!

Reviving the Strike
Joe Burns joins the show to discuss the role militant traditional labor strikes have in revitalizing the labor movement.

Beauty & the Beast: Servant Uprising!
Graham Kovich joins the show to plan an organizing campaign for the servants in Beauty & the Beast!

EWOC: Can Popular Education Help Organize One Million Workers?
Eric Dirnbach joins the show to discuss his experience as an advanced organizer with EWOC, the Emergency Workplace Organizing Committee.

You Say You Want A General Strike?
Marianne Garneau discusses her article in Organizing.Work, "You Say You Want a General Strike?" Re-issued with improved audio quality.

Get Rid of No Strike Clauses and Stop Begging
Hamilton Nolan argues that the right to strike is the only thing that gives working people power, and unions need to stop bargaining it away

Unionizing "The Office" (US Version) w/ Elizabeth Laycak
Elizabeth Laycak joins the show to discuss how to unionize the Dunder Mifflin Paper Co. in Scranton, PA.

Shop Floor Organizing at Amazon w/ Amazonians United Chicagoland
Ruby and Zama, workers at Amazon and members of Amazonians United, join the show to discuss their methods of shop floor organizing.

Union Shop: Consider a "Salt-free" Meal w/ MK Lees
MK Lees joins Laborwave Radio to discuss the strategy of "salting" a workplace to boost a union campaign.

Ep. 2 Comrades Read A Syndicalist View on The Rank and File Strategy w/ Tom Wetzel
Tom Wetzel joins Laborwave Radio to discuss a syndicalist critique of Kim Moody's rank and file strategy.

Ep. 1 Comrades Read Kim Moody's Rank and File Strategy
We discuss the "Rank and File Strategy" a popular 30-page pamphlet written by Kim Moody in 2000 for the publication Solidarity.

Talking Union Shop: Solidarity Unionism & the IWW w/ the One Big Podcast
A collaboration with One Big Podcast discussing the particulars of solidarity unionism in contrast to business unionism.

The Future of the IWW: Building One Big Union w/ Nick Driedger & Marianne Garneau
The IWW is 115 years old! To celebrate we invited Marianne Garneau & Nick Driedger from Organizing Work organizing within the IWW.

Reflections on Occupy Wall Street w/ Marina Sitrin & Vanessa Zettler
Marina Sitrin and Vanessa Zettler are contributors to the recent title Pandemic Solidarity: Mutual Aid During the COVID-19 Crisis.

A Look at the GEO Strike in Michigan Fighting the University's Reopening Plan
Union demands for social justice are bread-and-butter issues, and GEO's strike shows how such demands builds engaged membership.

Highlights from Three Years of Laborwave
To celebrate our three years we've put together this highlight reel featuring many guests from 2020!

Ep. 4 Comrades Read Together "If We Can Change the White House, We Can Change the Hog House"
Connecting movement histories to fight against fracture, imposing accountability, and hard questions for the IWW and DSA.

Ep. 3 Comrades Read Together: No Shortcuts chapters 3 & 4 w/ Ellen Kress & Andrea Haverkamp
Ellen Kress and Andrea Haverkamp talk chapters 3 & 4 of No Shortcuts: Organizing for Power by Jane McAlevey.

Ep. 2 Comrades Read Together w/ Nick Driedger: No Shortcuts, But to Where?
Driedger asks the tough questions about the political horizons achievable under a labor relations framework.

Comrades Read Together- No Shortcuts: Organizing for Power in the New Gilded Age by Jane McAlevey
Comradely discussion about the first two chapters of No Shortcuts: Organizing for Power in the New Gilded Age by Jane McAlevey.

Wildcat Strikes at University of California w/ Shannon Ikebe & Tara Phillips
You can't calculate everything and predict the outcome in advance. You have to experiment and see what's possible for workers.

Police, Technology, & Unions with Bill Fletcher Jr
As an institution police exist to repress and defend property and wealth. It's not in any way a progressive role.

Rent Strikes w/ Liza Featherstone & Tenants United Corvallis
Two part episode featuring tenant organizers discussing rent strikes in Oregon, along with a conversation with journalist Liza Featherstone.

Bigger Than Bernie: The Road To Democratic Socialism with Micah Uetricht
Bernie's campaign should show that there is also a way to do electoral politics that spurs class struggle.

Towards a Queer Marxist Future with Holly Lewis
Wherever there are queer people working to eradicate expropriation that's Queer Marxism.

Boots Riley on Power, Art, and the Radical Dr. King
Even for us as organizers the nature of power under capitalism has been obscured. Power doesn't just get shamed into doing the right thing.

Treason to Whiteness is Loyalty to Humanity: The Life of Noel Ignatiev with Jarrod Shanahan
By taking the “poison bait of white privilege” the white worker forfeits the ability the wage struggle in the medium to long term.

Imagining A Better Utopia: Seizing Spaces of Revolutionary (Re)production w/ Alex Riccio
Trump’s rise to power represents a battle over utopia where the right-wing has so far proved victorious.
You Say You Want A General Strike? w/ Marianne Garneau
What precisely is a general strike, and do they accomplish the robust social changes proponents imagine?
State of Unions after Janus with Bill Fletcher, Jr
We spoke with Bill Fletcher, Jr on the need for "social justice unionism" in a post-Janus United States.
Women's Strike, Reconsidered with Marianne Garneau
We spoke with Marianne Garneau, editor of Organizing Work, on why for strikes to be effective they must have specific targets tied to...
Lessons from the Burgerville Workers Union with Shane Burley
We spoke with Shane Burley about his recent piece for Think Progress on BVWU and learned more about how these workers were able to...
Utopia, Dystopia, and the Mexican Revolution
We interviewed Dr. Jose Antonio Orosco on the political animation which animated the Mexican Revolution.
Border Politics, Antifascism, and the Tangled Knot of Oppressions with Hillary Lazar
We spoke with writer and activist Hillary Lazar on the connections between border politics and antifascism, applying intersectional...
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