Pleasure Activism: The Politics of Feeling Good with adrienne maree brownPodcastUpdated: Aug 22, 2019We reproduce the audio from adrienne maree brown's keynote address on Pleasure Activism at Opening Space for the Radical Imagination II, a two-day conference on April 19-20 2019 in the occupied lands of the Kalapuya people.#pleasureactivism #akpress #oregonimagines #radicalimagination #feelinggood #pmpress #haymarket #ias #adriennemareebrown #adriennemaree
We reproduce the audio from adrienne maree brown's keynote address on Pleasure Activism at Opening Space for the Radical Imagination II, a two-day conference on April 19-20 2019 in the occupied lands of the Kalapuya people.#pleasureactivism #akpress #oregonimagines #radicalimagination #feelinggood #pmpress #haymarket #ias #adriennemareebrown #adriennemaree