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Joseph Orosco

We interviewed Dr. Jose Antonio Orosco, professor of Philosophy, director of Peace Studies, and co-founder of the Anarres Project for Alternative Futures.


Dr. Orosco spoke with us about the importance of the Mexican Revolution, describing it as a "confluence of liberal, grassroots anarchists, and indigenous peasant organizing," for informing our notions of revolution today. He connected many of the ideas within the Mexican Revolution to current manifestations of social rebellion, particularly the Zapatista uprising in Chiapas, Mexico.


Dr. Orosco also touched on the significance of utopian and dystopian works for providing lessons about our social world and its possibilities, and explained the origins of the Anarres Project for Alternative Futures.


We encourage listeners to explore more about these topics at the links below:

Anarres Project for Alternative Futures 


Grace Lee Boggs on Revolution…entieth_century/


Magon Brothers and the Liberal Party of Mexico…liberal-party


Zapatistas: First Declaration of the Lacandona Jungle…na-jungle-2/


They Can't Represent Us: Occupy Wall Street…us-sitrin-azzelini/


October by China Mieville on the Russian Revolution

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